
The Deck of Useful Things!

Created by Lisa Hall

A 5E compatible deck of unique item cards to supplement your favorite TTRPG games and encourage creative roleplay with your players!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick update, and Phoenix Comic Con!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, May 26, 2022 at 10:49:52 PM

Happy Thursday everyone!!

We are here in Phoenix Arizona getting prepped for our booth at Phoenix Fan Fusion this weekend!
If you're attending the con, we would love to meet you over at our booth, number 577, right near the row 500 banner!

Once we get back we will dive back into the layout for the cards, finalizing the descriptions, and working on the art! Here's a couple previews of some of the recently competed artworks!

We will also be getting backerkit surveys finalized and sent out once we are back home! Be on the lookout for those during the first week of June!

Hope you guys have a great weekend, and hopefully we can see a few of you in Phoenix!

Lisa - Level 1 Gamers

Creating your card!
almost 2 years ago – Mon, May 16, 2022 at 08:42:08 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

We did it!!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, May 10, 2022 at 07:33:50 PM


We've officially blown way past our initial funding goal, and have hit high enough to make a FULL 80-CARD DECK! With the booster pack included, that's 90 cards total for backers. I can tell you, I am absolutely blown away, and incredibly humbled by the sheer amount of support our project has gotten. This is the first step in a new direction for our business, and it's clearly the right one. Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this possible, to have the support of 1000 people is just incredible. 


We've actually been hard at work finishing the artwork and finalizing descriptions all throughout the campaign, so we've already got a head start on all that.  While we are waiting for the artwork, we will start sending out the written parts to our proofreaders and DM's so we can get their feedback. 

I am currently anticipating the artwork to be finished by the end of July, at which point I'll finish up the digital files for the cards, and get everything ready for the printer. 


We will be using Backerkit to collect final orders and shipping information from all our backers. You'll also be able to update and add on more items, like the mug, or wooden boxes, if you wanted to but haven't already. That's also where we will host the pre-order shop for any late backers or people who may have missed the campaign but still want to get in on the preorder! 

Info for backerkit will be sent out as soon as it's ready. 


Once we get the files to the printer, (≈August/September) it should be about 6-8 weeks before we get the final printed decks. Once we get those, we will get started on the packing! 

For backers with ALUMINUM decks: We will ordering the metal blanks at the end of the month, as soon as the funding hits the bank. When they arrive, we will start printing those here in our workshop. Since that will all be taken care of here from our workshop, we will likely be able to start sending those out before the printed decks arrive, so if you have a metal deck and no additional paper decks, you'll likely be getting yours earlier than the estimated arrival date. 


Someone had a great idea for some community generated cards, and I definitely want to do that. I'm currently working on a mad-lib type survey for everyone to take that will let you build an item, then we will take the highest results from each category and create an item card from it! Be on the lookout for that here soon. 


We have a discord!! If you'd like to join our community and get to know other backers and D&D players, click right here to join: 

On behalf of myself, Paul, Vesna, and Dianne, we are super excited to get this deck finished and in your hands!!! Thank you EVERYONE, and may your next few rolls always be at least like a 15 or something ;)

Lisa - Level 1 Gamers

almost 2 years ago – Sat, May 07, 2022 at 01:18:20 PM

Hello everyone!! 

We have officially hit that last stretch goal to add an additional 10 cards!! Every single deck will now have a total of 62 cards!!

With that said, I've gone ahead and added 2 ADDITIONAL STRETCH GOALS for the final days! Now, at $35k, we will add 5 random effect and trinket tables. For those, you'll just roll a D20 and take the effect or trinket on the chart!  

At $40k, we will again add an additional 10 cards, and 3 more tables to the deck!! If we can hit that 40k stretch goal, that means we will add a total of 80 CARDS in the deck!! (72 items + 8 chart/table cards)

The last 48 hours can bring in a ton of attention, and I am definitely shooting for that next goal. You can help by sharing the campaign with any D&D/TTRPG friends, or in any facebook groups, things like that. 

I am blown away by all the support we've had so far, so the more we can add to the deck for you guys, the better! 

Now on the business side, based on a few questions we've had, I wanted to clarify a few things!


The booster pack is a kickstarter exclusive pack! Every backer will automatically receive 1 booster pack with their pledge, regardless of tier or quantity.  Additional booster packs can be added in the add-on section for $8 each.  The booster packs actually cost a bit more per item than the decks, due to it being ordered in a smaller quantity, which is why it's per pledge, not per deck.  Any packs left AFTER the kickstarter will be used as giveaways and given to high school after-school D&D programs, along with a few copies of the deck! 


Metal decks will include every card that the printed decks do. The booster cards for you guys will also be printed on metal, and included right in the deck itself. Since we will be printing these along with the base deck, there won't be any additional packaging. 


Once the campaign is completed, we will be finalizing each card, and sending them over to several experienced and professional DM's to look through and provide feedback on the effects and details for gameplay. As soon as we've made any changes based on their feedback, we will be sending them to several beta readers to help with any spelling or grammatical errors we may have missed.  Once the artwork is completed and added in, we will release the digital PDF's for you guys to use! At that point we will wait a few days before sending it to the printer that way if you guys see anything we missed, you can let us know and we can get it fixed before printing! 

As always, let me know if you have any additional questions in the comments! 

Thanks as always, we appreciate and love each and every one of you, and I can't wait to see how the last couple days go! 

Lisa - Level 1 Gamers

Livestream starting soon!!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, May 05, 2022 at 06:00:12 AM

Hey everyone! 

We are starting our livestream, where we will be working on some of the items LIVE, in about 20 minutes! (1pm MST, 3pm EST)

Follow us over on TWITCH right here to be notified when we are live:

I'll also be streaming part of it live over on TikTok:

Hope to see you there!